2013 Workshop Announced!

10 AM - 4 PM

Chicken Coop Design & Building: Felling cooped up in the heat of July, then plan to spend the day with us as you learn how to design and build a secure, happy home for your hens. It will be a full day, from 10 AM – 4 PM of clucking as you gain first-hand experience in the construction of a chicken coop, complete with solar lighting, an off-the-grid approach. Participants will return to their own backyard farms with the blueprints to construct your own happy hen habitat. Fee: $45 per person. Instructors:  Dean & Jessica Conner 

Root Cellar Construction: Looking for a way to prolong the fresh taste of your garden’s bounty in the dead of winter. Then, consider a root cellar. Used extensively at one time, the popularity of root cellars is making a comeback. This is a hands-on workshop experience building underground produce storage AND you’ll go home with the blueprints for your own root cellar as well as tips on storing various types of produce in a cellar.  Fee $45 per person. Instructor: Darryl Pifer 

Wool Basics & Sheep Shearing: It will be a full day on the farm, as Dianne Hellwig with Hellwig Rambouilletstalks covers the basics of starting a small flock for spinning. It will be geared towards the small scale shepherd, and really help those of you just considering a small flock. Come and learn about the world of wool including exploring different types of wool, cleaning raw fleeces, carding, spinning, felting, and using wool to make functional items. Get an overview and introduction to shearing. Fee: $25 per person. Instructor: Dianne Hellwig, Hellwig Rambouillets 

10 AM - 12:30 PM

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Berries:Participants will learn about the diversity of berries that can be grown in zone 6, familiar berries as well as some less common ones.  Participants will learn to recognize common insect, disease and weed problems typically associated with berry production and some means of managing them. Fee: $15 per person. Instructor: Shawn Wright, UK 

Producing Sheep and Goats for the Freezer Market:Sheep and goats are the most widely produced and consumed species of ruminants in the world.  This is not true for the United States but as the ethnic populations of the U.S. increases, consumption of meat from sheep and goats is growing.  Meat from the species will also fit into the diet of those wishing to cut their cholesterol consumption but continue to have red meat in their diet.  Currently, market demand is greater than U.S. production.  Opportunities for producers to fit into this market demand are available.   This discussion will focus on facilities needed for sheep or goat production.  Topics covered will include fencing, working facilities, birthing, creeping and others.  Nutritional topics will include forages, concentrates, minerals and the timing of these needs.  Necessary processing facilities will be discussed.  How to promote product availability and procure and satisfy customers successfully will also be discussed.  Time will also be available for questions and answers. Fee: $15 per person. Instructor: Dr. John John, UK 

1:30 - 4 PM

Basic Fruit Tree Care: Whether you’re a homeowner growing a couple of backyard fruit trees, or you’re looking at starting a commercial orchard; practicing proper fruit tree care will insure you reap the fruits of your labor. Basic management practices, such as site selection, soil preparation, pest and disease management, and pruning techniques will be discussed. A walk-through of the dos and don’ts of the Knob’s budding orchard will be a part of this workshop. Fee: $15 per person. Instructor: Dr. John Strang, UK 

Small Scale Livestock Production: With growing interest nationwide in sustainable agriculture and local foods, there are many opportunities for those interested in small scale livestock production. With a limited land base, high value specialty crop production is a logical choice. However, don’t overlook the benefits of raising livestock on a small scale. The challenges as well as benefits of raising livestock on a small farm will be discussed.  Fee: $35 per person. Instructor: Larry Swartz, Windhover Farm 

9 – 10 AM
Blueberry Basics: People don’t usually think about growing blueberries in Kentucky but by paying attention to a few important factors they can be a great addition to your garden. Learn the keys to successful blueberry growing. Kentucky Blueberry Growers’ Association (KGBA) will talk about how to choose varieties, select an appropriate location, prepare the planting hole or container, and create the soil conditions that blueberries need to thrive. Pruning techniques will be discussed as well as ongoing care blueberries need to produce a bumper crop. Fee: $15 Instructor: Aaron Sharpio, KY Blueberry Growers Association 

Grapes Growers: Growing grapes can be simply confounding! Do not despair; Kentucky has a long record of good grape production. Whether you’re considering growing grapes for a home fruit or commercial crop, grapes have many benefits. Learn the basics to starting your own vineyard! Fee: $5Instructor: Patsy Wilson, UK 

Healthy Soil for Beginners: Healthy soil is the foundation for a healthy garden, and the key for growing vegetables that are pest and disease resistant, taste better and are more nutrient dense. This workshop is geared towards beginning gardeners and will cover how to maintain your soil to assure the health of your plants. Fee: $5 Instructor: Michael Bomford, KSU  

Livestock First-Aid: If you have livestock, regardless of the size, this workshop is a must-do! People with livestock and limited or no access to veterinary care need to learn the basics of animal healthcare in order to keep their animals healthy and alive. Learn to provide emergency care until the veterinarian can arrive! Discussion on livestock first-aid kits for your barn will be reviewed. Fee: $10 Instructor: Dianne Hellwig, Silver Creek Animal Hospital 

10 AM – 12 Noon

Farming on 5 Acres or Less: You may want to plan on attending this workshop, if  1) you have two acres with your house/garage, maybe a barn and over an acre of grass you have to mow every week; 2) you woke up a few days ago, realized your backyard would make the perfect setting for a garden, small orchard, and a couple of hens; or 3) you would like to supplement your income and/or grow a significant amount of your own food (and thus reduce your living costs) on your small acreage! If any of these situations or something like them fits you, and you just know you could be doing something better with your property and your time, then this workshop is for you! Fee: $15Instructor: Larry Swartz, Windhover Farm 

Growing Culinary Mushrooms:Madison County (Kentucky) mushroom farmer (and wildcrafter) Tim Hensley will demonstrate and discuss the ins-and-outs of growing gourmet mushrooms on natural logs. Participants will also take home some very informative literature on the subject. Fee: $25 Instructor: Tim Hensley 

Pickling: You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy your own homemade pickles. From banana peppers to dill pickles to relishes and chutneys, making pickles can be very creative and unique to your family tastes. Come learn about equipment, recipes and participate in a demonstration and then taste the results. Fee: $5 Instructor: Mary Hixson, UK Cooperative Extension Service 

12 – 1 PM

Cuttings & Divisions: Explore the enormous potential of propagating a variety of plants, including blueberries through cuttings and divisions. Cuttings and divisions are horticultural propagation methods by which you can make two or more plants from an original plant. You can use these easy techniques to make more of your favorite garden plant, for your own garden or to share with friends. Fee: $15 Instructor: Aaron Sharpio, KY Blueberry Growers Association 

Extending the Season: Want to get the most out of your growing space? Well, there's one resource that people often forget when planning out their garden - time! That's right; you can grow food year round thanks to a few simple adaptations to your garden-scape. In this workshop will discuss the methods for growing through the winter, as well as different types of crops that are suitable for Kentucky's winter months and when to plant them. Trends and strategies for use of cold frames, row cloth, mulch and more, in the service of growing your favorite crops in the colder, darker months will be shared. Fee: $5 Instructor: Michael Bomford, KSU 

Grow Your Own Vegetable Starts: Tired of purchasing those sometimes costly yet often times unproductive seedlings from the generic gardening centers? Learn to start healthy seedlings, using low cost methods with big results. Topics covered in this workshop include the materials you’ll need to get started, plant varieties, timing, seedling care, hardening off, and using space to efficiently grow large quantities of plants. Fee: $5 Instructor: Jay Hettmansperger, UK Cooperative Extension Service 

So You Want to Raise Chickens: Raising chickens is not just for farmers anymore. Whether you live in the suburbs or in the country, there are a few basics of raising chickens you need to know. This class is open to both those who currently are raising chickens as well as those who are still in the decision process. Learn from someone who lives in the suburbs on the art of raising city chickens! Note: This session ends at 1:30 PM Fee: $20 Instructor: Jessica Conner 

1 – 3 PM

Apple Diseases – A Common Sense Approach to Disease Management: We’ll start our workshop off with an one-hour field walk that will cover apple disease symptoms and tips for identification. We will also compare diseases to abiotic stresses such as drought and nutrient deficiencies. Each discussion will end with disease management guidelines. We will focus on cultural practices and give growers a better understanding of the pathogens that cause disease. Finally we will end each discussion with fungicide recommendations for growers of organic and/or low impact crops. Questions and open discussion are encouraged. Fee: $5 Instructor: Dr. Nicole Ward, UK 

City Gardening: Just because you live in an urban environment doesn’t mean you lose out on the opportunity to eat locally by growing your own food. This workshop will provide hands-on experience with raised bed gardening and help you learn how to choose the best kind of garden for your lifestyle, whether it’s on a rooftop, deck, backyard or apartment courtyard. Note: This session will not start until 1:30 PM. Fee: $20 Instructor: Jessica Conner 

Dehydrating Fruits & Vegetables: Drying is one of the oldest methods used in food preservation. Nutritionally, drying compares well with other methods of preservation. It can be inexpensive to dry fruits, vegetables and meats, it takes less storage space than canning and when you dry your own, you know what’s in it! Come learn about drying foods for soup mixes, salad sprinkles, seasoning mixes and much more. Fee: $5Instructor: Mary Hixson, UK Cooperative Extension Service 

Rain Gardens:Why plant a Rain Garden? Every time it rains, fertilizers, pesticides, debris and other pollutants wash across lawns and driveways and down streets into the nearest storm drain. From there they go directly into a river, lake or stream. Planting a rain garden on your property is one way to conserve water, reduce your monthly water bill and help protect our waterways at the same time. All that is needed is some basic information, a little imagination and the space on your property to build a rain garden.  Fee: $5 Instructor: Kara Sayles, Bluegrass PRIDE 

3 – 4 PM

Bountiful Brassicas: Impress your friends and neighbors with year round kale and broccoli, grown on your balcony or in your backyard! In this workshop, you will learn how to cultivate these very well adapted and nutritious vegetables, and learn the history of these vegetables along with how to plant, grow, harvest, and of course eat them! Fee: $5 Instructor: TBA 

Pawpaws & Persimmons: Growing a persimmon and/or pawpaw trees in a garden is something that many people look forward to doing. They provide a great tasting fruit and provide plenty of shade as they begin to mature. Not overly difficult to take care of, propagating the trees from seeds can be quite tricky. Learn some tips to follow for the best results, as well as how to graft! All participants will receive a grafted tree as part of this workshop. Fee: $15 Instructor:  Clifford England, England’s Nursery & Orchard 

Seed Saving: Seed saving is a great way to make sure you have plenty of your favorite plants for the future. Mid-summer is the perfect time to start planning which seeds you’re going to save for next year! Experience first-hand how to save seeds providing you with a more cost-efficient gardening plan for 2014 as well as adding time-tested varieties to your plant stock and giving the gift of heirloom seeds to your friends in this one hour workshop! Fee: $5 Instructor: Jay Hettmansperger, UK Cooperative Extension Service 

4 – 6 PM

From Yard to Table: Turning the garden in your yard to tasty dishes for the family table. Featured dishes prepared and sampled will include Grilled Eggplant with Roasted Red Pepper Relish, Eggplant Caviar, Roasted Potato Salad with Crispy Prosciutto with Caramelized Onion and Sherry Vinaigrette, Classic Mushrooms Casino, Black Bean Burgers with Two Tone Slaw, and White Bean Scallops with Tri-colored Pepper Sauce. Fee: $30 Instructor: Chef Charlie Shunnarah 

Ricotta Cheese Making: In this hands-on workshop, you will learn to make ricotta cheese from start to finish.  It is super easy to make, and it doesn't require any special equipment or ingredients.  It's made using common ingredients that you probably have on hand, and a few simple kitchen tools that you most likely already own. Fee: $10 Instructor: Leanna Bowles, EKU 

Starting a Home Garden CSA: Is your gardening producing enough for your family...and a few others? Learn how to turn your garden into a small Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) operation. There are a growing number of avid gardeners who are offering CSA shares from their gardens and small farms. This is a great way to grow food for your community and cover your costs. Fee: $5 Instructor: Bryce Baumann, Lazy Eight Farm 

Urban Composting: Experience firsthand the many household and work place by products that you can comfortably toss in your compost bin.  Everything from dryer lint to saggy old cotton underwear can make you……a world class composter! Fee: $5 Instructor:  Mark Cross, EKU


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